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Hydrogen and the natural gas paradigm
As the hydrogen ecosystem evolves, we see evidence for an emerging commodity super cycle. Many years of low commodity prices prompted producers to curb spending on new projects and expansion, thereby crippling supply. Following the coronavirus pandemic, governments are putting great emphasis on job creation and environmental sustainability, instigating a global green energy revolution, of which hydrogen is an integral part.
Managing risk in hydrogen
Understanding the boundaries of the hydrogen risk conundrum is necessary in order to quantify and manage the associated risks. These boundaries include cost competitiveness between low-carbon hydrogen and fossil-based hydrogen; emerging technologies; coherent cross-border regulatory frameworks; re-purposing of stranded assets; interaction between the power, gas, carbon and hydrogen sectors; liquidity, transparency and openness of a competitive hydrogen market.

Creating a global low carbon hydrogen trading hub in Alberta
Alberta could be the first to develop a global trading hub for low-carbon, responsibly sourced hydrogen. First mover advantage could make Alberta the international referent for low-carbon hydrogen. The global trading hub would facilitate the growth of Alberta’s low-carbon hydrogen infrastructure, from production to storage and distribution, fostering Alberta’s economic growth, whilst decarbonizing the economy and attracting environmentally conscious investment.
Incentivising hydrogen production in the GCC region
A low carbon hydrogen market requires policy certainty, including taxonomy standardization, contractual security and price transparency. Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) members and industry leaders need to establish clear policy objectives that would enable them to take part in the low carbon hydrogen economy at an early stage. These policy objectives should be accompanied by investment enabling actionable mechanisms.